Getting started
1. Install the application to your Slack workspace
Click here to install the app and grant the necessary permissions to use it in your Slack.
2. Authenticate your account
When you first use /meet, you will be asked to authenticate your Google account.
3. Use /meet in any channel or conversation
Generate meet links using the /meet command in Slack.
4. Join meetings
Join meetings always with the correct Google account (no longer switching between work and personal!) and get your Slack status auto updated.
Trusted by thousands of Slack teams worldwide every day
Meet for Slack is used by a number of small, medium and large teams who create a new meeting every minute.

Approved by Google and Slack.You are in good hands.
Meet for Slack is built with privacy in mind. It only needs few essential permissions to function and unlike some other tools, will never ask for or access any unnecessary user or workspace data .